21 Sept 2012

The Internet - what is it really?

Have you ever wondered what the internet actually is ? I mean we all use the term 'in the cloud' but what actually is it! Where is it? Is it everywhere? Everywhere but no-where I can actually see, touch, feel? So is is nowhere...hmmm confused ;/

To be honest it's something that I have never truly considered and have been happy to just accept that it's something I use all the time, pretty much depend on and could not do without.

But what is it and how does it really work?

Well, it just so happens that journalist Andy Blum recently did a TEDTalk all about this.

Andy looks at the physical side of the internet, from the underwater pipes stretching thousands of miles, to the people who are involved, this is a great and easy must watch for anyone who, like me, wants to know more about what the internet actually is.

            Andy Blum Details
            Website: andrewblum.net
            Twitter: @AjBlum

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