22 Mar 2013

A few things that have recently make me think WOW

Every now and again we see things that make us think 'WOW'. A film, a picture, a sunset...

WOW because what we see is way better than average, WOW because it's creative, it's left-field, WOW because you think 'how did they do that!?', WOW because it just bloody rocks and makes you want to share it with others.

Well, below are a couple of thinks that have recently made me think WOW. Enjoy.

'Biting Elbows' - Amazing Amateur Video

Incredible short movie all shot on a Go Pro featuring a guy trying to escape from an office. Genius.

'R'ha' - Unbelievable awesome short movie

Pretty incredible to think a 22 year old German student did this as part of his University course!
More information on this can be found on Mashable.

R´ha [short movie] from Kaleb Lechowski on Vimeo.

Good aren't they! Let me know of any things that you have seen recently that have made you think 'wow.

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