12 Apr 2013

So, you want to be a Professional Photographer? (Infographic)

Photography is easy right? Smartphones pretty much constantly in our hands, our trigger finger ready to take another photograph that can quickly and easily be pimped up using an app filter (think Instagram, Flickr, Facebook or Twitter), to instantly give us a masterpiece that we then proudly share with the world.

But is being a professional photographer really that easy? Let alone making a decent living from it.

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you will know I like infographics, but normally to display marketing insights, however coupled with my love of photography (note - I am not a great photographer), I had to share the infographic below that was created by Photo Seeds.

The infographic below aptly named 'So you want to be a Professional Photographer' basically explains in a rather satirical way, that being a professional photographer is not an easy task that any amateur can do.

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