7 Feb 2013

10 Marketing & Social Media blogs you must read

The great and awesome thing about the web is that anybody who is anybody can be creative and broadcast their thoughts to the world. Sometimes that can also be the problem, there is so much information available that it can be quite a task sieving through the quantity to find the quality.

Below, in no particular order, are a few blogs that I use for Marketing, Social Media, Great talks and general inspiration.

If you start using these blogs, share them with your friends / colleagues, join in with the conversations within the comments sections, and if you find an article useful, let the author know. As a blogger appreciation goes a long way, and for most bloggers, it is the reason they do it.

Happy reading.

#1 - Mashable

Definitely one of the industries leading and most useful sources of social media, mobile, and technology news. Mashable is often one of the first places to hear of new product launches, innovations and big industry news. They often showcase useful infographics aggregated from other sources. Definitely one of my favourites.

Best for - Social Media, Technology Innovation, fresh news. View blog

#2 - Social Media Today

A brilliant, content rich, useful collaborative blog for all things social media, marketing and mobile including; news, discussions-opinions, best practice and tools. 

Social Media Blog
Blog best for - Social Media Marketing, Mobile and Marketing discussion. View blog

#3 - Hubspot

This blog is jam packed full of great, well written and useful marketing information from innovative and experienced marketers. From many regularly updated best practice guides, to discussions and opinions on marketing campaigns and tools. This blog is a must read for a marketing professional.

Best for -Marketing best practice guidelines, campaign optimisation, and marketing-industry discussion. View Blog

#4 - Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik

Avinash is a genius, specifically a data analytics genius. Every one of his posts are extremely well considered, researched and explained. Avinash is the 'Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google' simplified to 'Data driven decision making uncomplexified'. Want to know about analytics and data?(which by the way should be the backbone to EVERYTHING a marketer does). Start reading this blog.

Best for -Data & Analytics View Blog

#5 - Social Media Examiner

Another great information packed collaborative blog covering all things social. Lots of social media marketing discussion, facts, infographics, 101's and opinions. Miss it, miss out.

Best for - Social Media Marketing. View blog

#6 - Social Fresh

From top social media tools, social media platform product updates to social media campaign critiques.  The name of this blog is extremely fitting, Social Fresh is a brilliantly informative blog, covering hot 'fresh' topics within social media. 

Best for - Social Media Marketing. View Blog

#7 - The Business Insider

This blog covers all things within the business world, from finance and politics, to advertising and strategy. I have read many useful and insightful marketing and business articles from this site, well worth taking a look at.

Best for - Business and advertising news, Strategy View Blog

#8 - Jeffbullas.com

This is one of my personal favourites. It's a great all rounder for marketing insights and news. Jeff discusses all things marketing, from social media campaigns / tools / product updates, to marketing campaigns. As a blogger myself, I admire Jeffs integrity, candid, intelligent and hard working ethic, which really comes across in all of his blog daily blog posts. Simple really, a must read and follow.

Best for - Marketing all-rounder View Blog

#9 - Econsultancy Blog

Econsultancy are a subscription based data house that publish thousands of white papers. It's fair to say, they have a lot of very valuable marketing insights. Their blog is updated regularly and often reveals some useful peeks at these insights. 

Best for - View Blog

#10 - Ted Talks Blog

Everyone should watch / listen to TED Talks, I am actually addicted to them, and for good reason. Learn cutting edge technological, sociological, philanthropical, economically, psychological  humanitarian, environmental, historical, and political opinions and movements from leading pioneers and practitioners in each field. Most talks are less than 20 minutes (normally about 10-15 minutes), and their tablet and smartphone apps are brilliant. 

Best for - Interesting talks View Blog

The blogs above are all great for different reasons; content and opinion. There are certainly more blogs / sites out there that I read on a regular basis, normally through news aggregation tools such as ZITE, Flipboard, and Google Alerts. I also set up 'streams' within social media tools such as Hootsuite to track specific keywords and conversations in real-time.

Want to learn more about Marketing? Have a read of Digital Marketing & Social Media tools Guide.

Let me know what you think of the blogs above, and any other recommendations you have.
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