Well, Cesar Kuriyama also felt this way, which is why he decided to start filming one second of his life every day for the rest of his life.
Personally, I think this is a really cool and inspiring idea, with benefits way above and beyond just the film clip you are left with at the end of your life; which is also pretty incredibile as well!
In this TED Talk, Cesar explains that the intrinsic benefits of the project derive more from the process than the end result itself. It's hard to decide what one second you show from your day, when the average person is awake for 57,600 seconds a day (16 hours), and we are all such busy people! So choosing the best one second to represent each day is his way of implanting the memory of the day in his brain for ever.
Also life isn't all about the good, positive stuff; which is often the primary reason for getting our cameras out, and sharing our photo's and videos to the world. Life and our experiences/memories are often forged from the harder, more negative elements. These events can be very effective at changing our focus in life, and when things revert back to being good, these tough times which make the good seem so good, are sometimes forgotten. These things should make us appreciate the positive things more, which is why Cesar also recorded some tough times when his sister was extremely ill.
I guess, this talk isn't about getting everyone to record one second of their lives every day, it is about the process of remembering the good, the bad, the great, the basic, the worrying, and the amazing times in our lives on a daily basis, and then being able to reflect on it. Often the process is what makes us, not necessarily the end result.
Anyway, have a watch, Cesar delivers his talk in a very heartfelt and honest way. Enjoy.
Ok so what's next?
Hopefully (and probably) a user-friendly app that does all of the above for you. Hell, maybe even a Social Media Network that you can compare your 'moments' from a specific day with other people.Posts could be tagged, and comments could be added. All sorts of media like an image, one second video, short text etc could be used.
Just an idea. What do you think?
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