7 Feb 2015

Beginners Guide to Developing a Brand


Some of the world's most known brand logo's are in the image on the left - recognise them?!

What do you think of when you see the logos? Probably the products they are known for but think beyond that....how does each brand differ from one another? If Google was a person, how would they be different to Microsoft, or how would KFC differ to McDonalds?

The point is, 'brand' is critical and it goes way way WAY beyond just the name or logo.

Sure you could have a quick brainstorming session to come up with a witty and memorable company name over a pint on a Friday night but what's a name without direction or strategy.....honestly pretty much nada.

Branding is about starting with the solid foundation of a sound business strategy, where insights and direction are based upon a thorough understanding of the marketplace and your potential audiences. One you have defined and understand your audience, the challenges, the opportunity, and developed a positioning statement, only then are you ready to deep dive into truly defining the why, how and what of your brand.

I created this three part 'Beginners Guide To Developing a Brand' off the back of educating and helping a friend develop his brand from scratch for his business startup of setting up a new Yoga School brand called Bright Light Yoga.

If you are new to marketing, setting up a new business, or simply want a quick recap on some of the fundamentals of branding, then this three part guide is for you.

As mentioned within the guide, there are various methodologies and approaches to creating a brand, some of which are not mentioned in this guide - the clue is in the title of this document, it's a guide. You may decide to complete all the points within it, you may decide to only do a few, or you may have another approach - that's completely fine. The point is, take what works for you - it's more about ensuring you do your research, consider the longer term picture, and really define how best to position your brand to your primary audiences.

I hope you benefit from it.


If you would like to download the guide as a PDF, please click here.

About the author
Si Muddell is a Digital Strategist who has worked extensively both agency and client side. Si is fascinated about marketing, psychology & what motivates people, and loves guitar, surfing and travelling.

Get connected with Si on TwitterLinkedIn &

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