Imagine if we could communicate with one another simply by using thought; a two way brain-to-brain messaging system.Well, according to neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, his particular experiments and the world of neuroscience have made some pretty epic recent breakthroughs.
In the words of Miguel, the possible implications of his experiments will "go to the limit of your imagination".
Brain Machine Interfaces
According to Miguels biography on the TED website, Miguel ".. is best known for pioneering studies in neuronal population coding, Brain Machine Interfaces (BMI) and neuroprosthetics in human patients and non-human primates. His lab's work was seen, famously though a bit too briefly, when a brain-controlled exoskeleton from his lab helped Juliano Pinto, a paraplegic man, kick the first ball at the 2014 World Cup." Full bio.Controversial
For some, the concept of brain machine interfaces and brain-to-brain communication is mind boggling, exciting, intriguing, life-saving, rewarding, and opportunistic, whilst for others it's just damn right scary. Imagine if this sort of technology was in the wrong hands, or imagine if your brain could be hacked....
Maybe we have watched to many films in our time where humans control exoskeletons with their minds and obtain superhuman abilities, and where evil villains exploit technological advances to destroy the world. Whatever your thoughts are on the topic, there's no doubt that as with anything that is at the forefront of what we think it possible, there are positive and negative implications / applications of this sort of technology.
Maybe we have watched to many films in our time where humans control exoskeletons with their minds and obtain superhuman abilities, and where evil villains exploit technological advances to destroy the world. Whatever your thoughts are on the topic, there's no doubt that as with anything that is at the forefront of what we think it possible, there are positive and negative implications / applications of this sort of technology.
Brain to brain communication is here: How we did it
Below is a fascinating and short (18 min) TED talk by Miguel discussing what he and his fellow neuroscientists are achieving in their brain-to-brain experiments. This stuff is really progressing and the implications are endless.
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